To get a free Appraisal...
1. Become an Abletrader member
Only registered users can get free appraisals on abletrader. Joining is free and simple. Once you create your profile, username & password and click submit, we will send you a confirmation email. After you reply, we will instantly activate your new account.
2. Email the item details
Next, email us your item description & pictures to For vans, please include the year, make, model, mileage and a brief history of service. For wheelchairs, also add specific measurements of the seat base width & depth, and the seat-to-floor height from the seat's front and rear. Please include your location (city, state & zip-code) and phone number.
3. You get an Appraisal
We'll deliver an appraisal within 24 hours by email or phone, providing an estimated price range to expect, shipping methods/costs and advice on which venues will likely provide the highest net return (whether it be Abletrader, Ebay, Craigslist, Autotrader, the retail exchange, etc.) We'll also include a complimentary Abletrader consignment quote, specific to your item.
For more selling info, visit our Help Section, Shipping Tips or Contact us. |