Buying Help |
How does buying on Abletrader work? |
To contact sellers & buy items, you'll need to create an Abletrader account (it's free and easy – see the General FAQ for details). You purchase items directly from sellers using whichever payment options they specify (e.g. PayPal, money order, check etc.). Every seller must be paid individually. We recommend paying via PayPal. Each seller will have their own return policy, shipping options and payment terms. If you have any questions about any of these, it's best to contact the seller directly before making the purchase. |
Why am I required to register before being able to contact sellers? |
Our security system relies on being able to identify the parties involved in every communication. |
What is PayPal, how does it work on Abletrader, and how do I buy items with it? |
PayPal™ is a third-party service that lets buyers pay securely using their credit card. The buyer does not have to be a member of this service in order to submit a payment, but the seller does. |
As a buyer, how I do I report any problems with an item? |
If an item you buy is not shipped by the seller, is significantly not as described, or arrives damaged please contact the seller directly to work toward a resolution. If your communication with the seller proves unsuccessful, please contact us with your username and the item listing. We will work to resolve the situation. |